Bouncy Bolson (bouncy)

Bouncy Bolson is the second release of ROS 2.

Supported Platforms

This version of ROS 2 is supported on four platforms (see REP 2000 for full details):

  • Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

    • Debian packages for amd64 as well as arm64

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)

    • no Debian packages but building from source is supported

  • Mac macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

  • Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017

Binary packages as well as instructions for how to compile from source are provided (see install instructions <../../Installation> as well as documentation).


New features in this ROS 2 release

  • New launch system <../Tutorials/Intermediate/Launch/Launch-system> featuring a much more capable and flexible Python API.

  • Parameters can be passed as command line arguments <../How-To-Guides/Node-arguments> to C++ executables.

  • Static remapping via command line arguments <../How-To-Guides/Node-arguments>.

  • Various improvements to the Python client library.

  • Support for publishing and subscribing to serialized data. This is the foundation for the upcoming work towards a native rosbag implementation.

  • More command line tools <../../Concepts/Basic/About-Command-Line-Tools>, e.g. for working with parameters and lifecycle states.

  • Binary packages / fat archives support three RMW implementations by default (without the need to build from source):

    • eProsima’s Fast RTPS (default)

    • RTI’s Connext

    • ADLINK’s OpenSplice

For an overview of all features available, including those from earlier releases, please see the Features <../../The-ROS2-Project/Features> page.

Changes since the Ardent release

Changes since the Ardent Apalone <Release-Ardent-Apalone> release:

  • The Python package launch has been redesigned. The previous Python API has been moved into a submodule launch.legacy. You can update existing launch files to continue to use the legacy API if a transition to the new Python API is not desired.

  • The ROS topic names containing namespaces are mapped to DDS topics including their namespaces. DDS partitions are not being used anymore for this.

  • The recommended build tool is now colcon instead of ament_tools. This switch has no implications for the code in each ROS 2 package. The install instructions have been updated and the read-the-docs page describes how to map an existing ament_tools call to colcon.

  • The argument order of this rclcpp::Node::create_subscription() signature has been modified.

Known Issues