6.3.3. Services

ROS 2 services are another communication mechanism between nodes. Services implement a client-server paradigm based on ROS 2 messages and types. Further information about ROS 2 services can be found on Understanding services.

Ready to use code related to this concepts can be found on micro-ROS demos repository addtwoints_server and addtwoints_client examples. Server Initialization

Services initialization follow the same pattern as publishers and subscribers:

// Service name
const char * service_name = "test_service";

// Get message type support
const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support =
    ROSIDL_GET_SRV_TYPE_SUPPORT(example_interfaces, srv, AddTwoInts);

// Create a reliable service server ('node' is available and already initialized)
rcl_service_t reliable_service;
    &reliable_service, &node,
    type_support, service_name);

// Create a best effort service server
rcl_service_t best_effort_service;
    &best_effort_service, &node,
    type_support, service_name);

// Create a custom QoS service server
rcl_service_t custom_service;
    &custom_service, &node, type_support,
    service_name, &rmw_qos_profile_services_default); Callback

Once a request arrives, the executor will call the configured callback with the request and response messages as arguments. The request message request_msg contains the request sent by the client, while the response_msg argument should be modified with the server response. The response message will be sent to the client after the callback returns.

Using AddTwoInts.srv type definition as an example:

int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum

The client request message will contain two integers a and b, and expects the sum of those values as the response:

// Function prototype:
void (* rclc_service_callback_t)(const void *, void *);

// Implementation example:
void service_callback(const void * request_msg, void * response_msg)
    // Cast messages to expected types
    example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Request * req_in =
        (example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Request *) request_msg;
    example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response * res_in =
        (example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response *) response_msg;

    // Handle request message and set the response message values
    printf("Client requested sum of %d and %d.\n", (int) req_in->a, (int) req_in->b);
    res_in->sum = req_in->a + req_in->b;

As in the subscriber, the service and its callback must be added to the executor in order to process incoming requests on a the executor spin:

// Service message objects
example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response response_msg;
example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Request request_msg;

// Add service server to the executor ('executor' and 'service' are available and already initialized)
    &executor, &service, &request_msg,
    &response_msg, service_callback);

// Spin executor to receive requests

A service server can also be removed from the executor after it is not longer needed:

// Remove a service server from an executor
  &executor, &service); Client Initialization

// Service name
const char * service_name = "test_service";

// Get message type support
const rosidl_message_type_support_t * type_support =
    ROSIDL_GET_SRV_TYPE_SUPPORT(example_interfaces, srv, AddTwoInts);

// Create a reliable service client ('node' is available and already initialized)
rcl_client_t reliable_client;
    &reliable_client, &node,
    type_support, service_name);

// Create a best effort service client
rcl_client_t best_effort_client;
    &best_effort_client, &node,
    type_support, service_name);

// Create a custom QoS service client
rcl_client_t custom_client;
    &custom_client, &node, type_support,
    service_name, &rmw_qos_profile_services_default); Callback

The function will have the response message as its only argument, containing the response sent by the server:

// Function prototype:
void (* rclc_client_callback_t)(const void *);

// Implementation example:
void client_callback(const void * response_msg)
    // Cast response message to expected type
    example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response * msgin =
        (example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response * ) response_msg;

    // Handle response message
    printf("Received service response %ld + %ld = %ld\n", req.a, req.b, msgin->sum);

Adding the service client to the executor:

// Response message object
example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Response res;

// Add service client to the executor ('executor' and 'client' are available and already initialized)
rclc_executor_add_client(&executor, &client, &res, client_callback);

// Spin executor to receive requests

A service client can also be removed from the executor after it is not longer needed:

// Remove a service client from an executor
  &executor, &client); Send a request

Once the service client and server are configured, the service client can send a request and spin the executor to get the reply. Following the example on AddTwoInts.srv:

// Request message object (Must match initialized client type support)
example_interfaces__srv__AddTwoInts_Request request_msg;

// Initialize request message memory and set its values
request_msg.a = 24;
request_msg.b = 42;

// Sequence number of the request (Populated in 'rcl_send_request')
int64_t sequence_number;

// Send request
rcl_send_request(&client, &request_msg, &sequence_number);

// Spin the executor to get the response
rclc_executor_spin(&executor); Message initialization

Before publishing or receiving a message, it may be necessary to initialize its memory for types with strings or sequences.


Check the Handling messages memory tutorial for details. Cleaning Up

To destroy an initialized service or client:

// Destroy service server and client
rcl_service_fini(&service, &node);
rcl_client_fini(&client, &node);

This will delete any automatically created infrastructure on the agent (if possible) and free used memory on the client side.