6.3.1. Nodes

Table of Contents

ROS 2 nodes are the main participants on ROS 2 ecosystem. They will communicate between each other using publishers, subscriptions, services, etc. Further information about ROS 2 nodes can be found on Understanding nodes. Initialization

Before a node is created, a rclc_support_t object needs to be created and initialized. The rclc_support_init method will handle micro-ROS initial configuration (memory initialization, transport configuration, …).


The rclc_support_init function will try to establish communication with the Agent and will fail if its not reachable on a configurable time. A good practice is to the ping the Agent to check the connection before calling this method.

  • Initialize micro-ROS and create a node with default configuration:

    // Get configured allocator
    rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
    // Initialize support object
    rclc_support_t support;
    rclc_support_init(&support, argc, argv, &allocator);
    // Node name
    const char * node_name = "test_node";
    // Node namespace (Can remain empty: "")
    const char * namespace = "test_namespace";
    // Init default node
    rcl_node_t node;
    rclc_node_init_default(&node, node_name, namespace, &support);
  • Configure the node Domain ID:

    ROS2 allows isolation of nodes through the ROS_DOMAIN_ID concept. Nodes can only discover and communicate nodes placed on the same domain. Further information about ROS 2 Domain ID can be found on About Domain ID.

    A node can be configured using the rclc_support_t internal rcl_init_options_t options structure. rcl provides the rcl_init_options_set_domain_id method to set a node domain. Example:

    // Get configured allocator
    rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
    // Initialize and modify options (Set DOMAIN ID to 10)
    rcl_init_options_t init_options = rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();
    rcl_init_options_init(&init_options, allocator);
    rcl_init_options_set_domain_id(&init_options, 10);
    // Initialize rclc support object with custom options
    rclc_support_t support;
    rclc_support_init_with_options(&support, 0, NULL, &init_options, &allocator);
    // Node name
    const char * node_name = "test_node";
    // Node namespace (Can remain empty "")
    const char * namespace = "test_namespace";
    // Init node with configured support object
    rcl_node_t node;
    rclc_node_init_default(&node, node_name, namespace, &support);


    The configuration of the node will also be applied to its future elements (publishers, subscribers, services, …). Cleaning Up

All entities owned by a node (publishers, subscribers, services, …) have to be destroyed before the node itself:

// Destroy created entities (Example)
rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher, &node);

// Destroy the node

This will delete the node from ROS2 graph, including any generated infrastructure on the agent (if possible) and used memory on the client.